Friday, December 5, 2008

Gone the Sun

Night falls out of the sky tonight leaving pinpricks of dim light where the mighty Sun had recently shone. His nightly demise places a peaceful sadness on my soul, but with in that sadness there is the ability to reach into the sky with my spirit and reach for God.

A toddler reaches to his father, far beyond his own ability to climb or fly, yet within the child's eye there is a certainty of success. There is success because there exists a promise from above. The promise of a loving father who will reach across a distance which the child is incapable of crossing, and those fatherly arms will bear the child over. The child's success isn't in the climbing or the flying, but simply in the reaching. The father does the rest.

Night falls out of the sky leaving pinpricks of dim light where the mighty Sun had recently shone. I look to the stars and search behind them for the Father. His power is all around me; in the stars, in the yard in the trees and in my heart. My success in reaching exists in my Father's promise to reach across the gulf that I can not cross. He'll reach and he will draw me close.

"Come near to God and he'll come near to you."

Thank you God for drawing us to you. I pray in Jesus name. Amen.

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