Monday, March 24, 2008

Easter Fun

Alright, Easter came and the kids had a blast. I've chosen three photo's in this first "Family Portion" of the blog. Enjoy!

Here's my boy reading the directions to his new stackable computer block people - uh, thingy. (Dawn says that I make that same face when I'm concentrating on something. I'm probably making it now).

My Big Girl looking for those elusive eggs.

My slightly less Big Girl proud of a successful hunt.

We centered our worship around the sacrifice and Resurrection of Jesus and centered our lunch around a ham (no spiritual significance). We got enough candy to last us until Halloween (we tossed out the last vestiges of Halloween candy to make room for yesterday's haul).

Our children smiled and our hearts sang.


Anonymous said...

Ugh, I can't believe how much candy we had! Starting after Halloween, I let the kids have one piece of candy a day (okay, okay, every once in a while they had more). We finally got down near the bottom of the bowl, then Christmas came along. Then Valentine's Day. Now Easter. I think you're right - this will last us til Halloween again. It's sick. Part of me thinks it would be better to let them pig out on the candy, get nasty stomachaches, but then avoid the daily "When can we have our candy?" that inevitably rolls around by 8 am. Maybe I'm training their bodies to require that sugar rush at 10 o'clock every day.

Tom said...

My Kayleigh loves (like her Daddy) Little Debbie Zebra Cakes. She probably has one pack a day. My oldest two love Starburst. None of them are really too into chocolate with the exception of Reese’s products. Dawn doesn't do chocolate too much unless it has caramel in it. I'll (unfortunately) eat it all. We have gotten the Easter Bunny trained to only bring the things that we will actively partake of. Halloween is another matter. Beggars can't be choosers, or Tricky Treaters can't be Picky Eaters. We don’t get too much in the way of candy for Christmas or Valentines Day, though thanks to Reese’s and Peep’s there’s a product for every season.

Jeanne M. said...

Tried to leave a comment earlier. Must have gone into cyberspace. So glad you are finally blogging. I have appreciated your comments on Lisa's blog.

Love to you and your family.