Wednesday, March 26, 2008

You Provide the Caption

I saw this on an Emerging Culture site and saw some pretty funny comments. I have other pictures I'd like run by everyone, but this one was so funny I had to begin with it. Give me your best caption.


Anonymous said...

I'm not very good at this. I might think of something later & get back to ya. Funny pic, though! You can never have too much plaid.

Tom said...

That sounds like a good caption to me. "You can never have too much plaid", sayeth the preacher with the pink Bible.

Anonymous said...

Huh, didn't even realize the Bible was pink. I was blinded by all the plaid.

Bob Bliss said...

I'm comfortable with my masculinity and to prove it, I bought a PINK Bible!

Tom said...

Good one Bob. I'll have to borrow one of my girls pink princess Bibles the next time I preach. I'd rather use a pink Sword than dress in a plad suit.

Anonymous said...

If you're happy and you know it say AMEN !

Anonymous said...

In the name of the Lord JE-sus Christ, I command you evil spirit to COME OUT...of this tennis ball!!

Bob Bliss said...

I like Anonymous' and DB's. DB's is slightly better because he can type a Southern accent and I'm sure this fellow has a good Southern accented preacher's voice.

Tom said...
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Tom said...

Great one DB. And I agree with Bob, great typed accent. I think that thus far, the coveted "Roscoe" (really-odd-silly-caption-officially-earned) prize goes to DB but the cut off for entering goes until midnight on Friday.