Saturday, October 11, 2008

Harvest Time

I had previously said that I wouldn't be blogging very often during harvest, but that when I did I'd have some fresh pictures. Well, I am nothing if not a man of my word so here they are. This first image is of the gathering crew in a beautiful red ring of berries. I was blessed to be in some waders on today when I took this and so I was very close to the fruit.
Next we see from a week or so ago the hands of Santa (seriously) in so
me fresh picked cranberries.

When we flood a bog to get ready for picking, millions of little (and some not so little) spiders scamper away from the water and end up making webs on the sides of the dam. Here is a picture depicting such an event.

and finally, Beauty and the beautiful beast. This is a wonderful picture of a spider on the berries (ergo the beauty and the beast reference), but take a close look at the back of the spider and you'll notice that this icky critter is actually a mommy walking away from danger with all her icky babies on her icky back. How wonderful; icky but wonderful.
More to come...

Thursday, October 2, 2008

For better and worse

Dawn is both a little better and a little worse. The treatment increases in dosage every couple of days. Yesterday was her first increase and it nocked her a little further into woozyville and added a bit more to the nausea with which she's been dealing since beginning these treatments. As for the "better," she mentioned this morning that the pain seems to have lessened a little. We're not doing backflips yet, but our prayer is that the easing of the pain will continue through the coming days.

The view from the waiting room holds a nice angle of Billy Penn as the early Sun pushes its light over the tall buildings. This picture is of Mr. Penn's statue, but I didn't take it and the angle isn't from the waiting room window. Still, you get the idea.


Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Dawn's Procedure

Good morning to all. Here is a Dawn Update. She is doing alright. We've now been to two of her many Ketamine treatments and is a bit groggy for her efforts. She has had to go to Philly for the treatments where she stays recumbent for 4 hours in a recliner while they administer Ketamine intravenously. She comes out of it a little nauseous and woozy the first day she had some strange and vague dreams. All in all she's holding up well under the circumstances. Today is my first day back at work away from her and I miss being there. I didn't do much but sit, pray and read while trying not to hear the television (Good Morning America, Rachel Ray and The View aren't really my cup of tea). She's there now without me. Wonderful people from the church family here are pitching in to help us with all her back and forth travels, and I love them all. Of course Dawn's parents are extending their considerably wonderful helping hand with the kids through this. Kayleigh is getting some really cool Pop pop time and Mom mom is coming over daily to help the kids get off to school. Today Christian is at home with a slight fever. We think it might be a sinus infection. We'll get him up and running (not just his nose) soon, Lord willing.

Thanks to all for the prayers. Needless to say that all of this happening at cranberry time couldn't be much worse. Still though, I'll thank my God for the blessings I have.
