Thursday, October 2, 2008

For better and worse

Dawn is both a little better and a little worse. The treatment increases in dosage every couple of days. Yesterday was her first increase and it nocked her a little further into woozyville and added a bit more to the nausea with which she's been dealing since beginning these treatments. As for the "better," she mentioned this morning that the pain seems to have lessened a little. We're not doing backflips yet, but our prayer is that the easing of the pain will continue through the coming days.

The view from the waiting room holds a nice angle of Billy Penn as the early Sun pushes its light over the tall buildings. This picture is of Mr. Penn's statue, but I didn't take it and the angle isn't from the waiting room window. Still, you get the idea.



Anonymous said...

Praying for Dawn. I know Donna and Howard must be a HUGE help right now.....glad they are 'there' for you!

Tom said...

They are a wonderful help for us. I don't know what I would do without them.
Thanks for your prayers.