Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Down to the farm

I got this in an email and thought I'd share. Sometimes a good ol' grampa and grandma can say what needs to be said. Enjoy.



Jeanne M. said...

Loved it. Nothing like a little humor to get the truth across.

Jeanne M. said...

Tom, how can I forward your blog site to my sister? I would love to have her see this, but don't know how with ATT.net I can do it.

jel said...

that was a good one , it was worth the wait,, to watch it,

Tom said...


Copy this line in an email and send it to her and she'll have a link to the blog.


If you send her that link she'll be able to stop by the blog.

Tell Lon Hi.

Jeanne M. said...

How did you get the YouTube video on your blog site? I would like to send it to someone without having to go through blog site. As much as I enjoy your site, there are people who do not know you and might not be interested in reading about your family. I went to their blog site, but still did not understand how to send that video by itself.

Tom said...

Sorry Jeanne, I misunderstood. If you want to direct them to the youtube page where that is playing, copy and paste the following link in an email to them. It will take them directly to that video.


You can also simply have them go to youtube.com and search the words "down on the farm" and this video will be one of the first on the list.

Thanks for stopping by.

Jeanne M. said...

Thanks, Tom. I did request how to get to your blog site, but wanted to know how to get to a YouTube video on my own, also.

Hello and love to all your family.

Tom said...


If you want to put a youtube video on your blog, there is usually a little bit of text beside the video. It will have the words Embed and Customize above it. You can simply coby the text in the box and past it in the html page of your blog and the video will play on your blog.