Tuesday, April 29, 2008

You Provide the Caption Weekend Edition winners

Thank you for letting me run that YPTC (weekend edition) all the way till Tuesday. Here are the results.

Picture A

"I'll tell you everything you don't have to squeeze it out of me!"

Picture B

"Agent Orange"

Congratulations go to everyone, but especially to Loni and Solo on their quippy quotes.

For the record, my captions would have been:
Picture A: "Troubled to the brink, Sunny considered ending it all as his once true love looked on having lost her appeal."

Picture B: "Whew, I've really got to cut back on my citrus intake. I can't keep carrying around this juice belly."

Thanks for playing. We'll be back on our YPTC Wednesday schedule um ... tomorrow.

Have a great day.

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