Wednesday, April 2, 2008

You Provide the Caption winner #2

Congratulations goes out to Lisa our winner. Here is the origional photo with the winning caption. Lisa will be awarded our second ROSCOE award.

"nah-nah-nah-nah-NAH-nah, you ca-an't get me"

Lisa, I'm sorry to say that ROSCOE had a bit of difficulty while trying to get in to see his brother OSCAR at work. As I understand it nothing was broken but unfortunatly things were dented in the end. Roscoe should be out of the metal shop really soon and ready to resume his duties as your prize.


Anonymous said...

Oh my! I'm just so ... grateful!! *sniff, sniff* I'd like to thank all my adoring fans, and ROSCOE, of course (can't wait to see you, dear!), my family and friends; thank you, GM -- wow -- the competition was tough ....

and most especially, thank you to the cat that couldn't eat the canary, I couldn't have done it without you.

*sniff, sniff* What an honor!!

Tom said...

You forgot "They like me, they really like me!"

Matthew said...

Love the bird picture.

Tom said...

Thanks for stopping by. I try to do the "Caption" bit every Wednesday. It's fun and easy and keeps me from spelling things wrongly.
